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10 Really annoying Things About Twitter!

1. A DM notification pops up and you find it to be, An Automated Direct Message. And Bots, Spams, everyday a new version of it pops up as bonus!

2. Freaks and desperate men mentioning, following, and doing all kinds of ape-class acts to women.

3. People who constantly post numbers like they have blessed soul of Aryabhatta in them.
5 for 2000! | i gained 50 followers in a day! 

4, RANDOM STRANGERS giving you all kinds of advice like Chairman of Consultancy Services.

5. People constantly blabbering about something you don’t even want on your timeline.

6. Really fake people who pretend to be the coolest hunks and princesses in the whole world.

7. Excited people spamming your timeline like its the end of the world!

8. People who welcome new followers like President is arriving to their homes.

 photo kurt-dance1.gif

9. People asking “Please Retweet” as if we get good karma by retweeting them.

10. People giving you their blog links, this link, that link so that you do them a favor.


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